Revision of selected Pests
128 Species
Pests | Order | Family | Image | Affected Plants |
African Black Beetle | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae |
Ants (General) | Hymenoptera | Formicidae |
Aphids | Hemiptera | Aphididae |
Argentine Stem Weevil | Coleoptera | Curculionidae |
Autumn Gum Moth | Lepidoptera | Geometridae |
Azalea Leafminer | Lepidoptera | Gracillariidae |
Bag Shelter Moths | Lepidoptera |
Bark Weevil | Coleoptera |
Bean Fly | Diptera | Agromyzidae |
Beetles (General) | Coleoptera |
Black Scale | Hemiptera | Coccidae |
Borer (General) | Various | Various |
Bronze Orange Bug | Hemiptera | Tessaratomidae |
Brown Lace Lerp | Hemiptera | Psyllidae |
Budworms | Lepidoptera | Noctuidae |
Bugs (General) | Hemiptera |
Cabbage White Butterfly | Lepidoptera | Pieridae |
Callistemon Sawfly | Hymenoptera | Pergidae |
Capsid bugs | Hemiptera | Miridae |
Case Moths, Bag moths | Lepidoptera | Psychidae |
Caterpillars (General) |
Chinese Wax Scale | Hemiptera | Coccidae |
Christmas Beetle | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae |
Cicadas | Hemiptera | Cicadidae |
Citrus Gall Wasp | Hymenoptera | Eurytomidae |
Citrus Leafminer | Lepidoptera | Phyllocnistidae |
Coccid Galls | Hemiptera | Coccidae |
Codling Moth | Lepidoptera | Tortricidae |
Common Slater | Isopoda | Porcellionidae |
Cossid Wood Moths | Lepidoptera | Coccidae |
Cottonycushion Scale | Hemiptera | Margarodidae |
Couchgrass Mite | Acarina |
Cup Moth | Lepidoptera | Limacodidae |
Cutworms | Lepidoptera | Noctuidae |
Cyclamen Mite | Acarina |
Cypress Bark Weevil | Coleoptera | Curculionidae |
Deer | Cervidae |
Diamond Beetle, Diamond Weevil | Coleoptera | Curculionidae |
Earwigs | Dermaptera |
Emperor Gum Moth | Lepidoptera | Saturniidae |
Eucalyptus Leaf Beetles | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae |
Eucalyptus lerp | Hemiptera |
Fig Psyllid | Hemiptera | Homotmidae |
Flea Beetle (General) | Coleoptera |
Fly Maggots | Diptera | Aleyrodidae |
Frog Hopper (General) | Hemiptera |
Fruit Tree Borer | Lepidoptera | Oecophoridae |
Fuller's Rose Weevil | Coleoptera |
Fungus Gnats, Sciarid Flies | Diptera | Mycetophilidae |
Gall Flies (General) | Diptera | Cecidomyiidae |
Gall Wasp (General) | Hymenoptera |
Grapevine Moth | Lepidoptera | Noctuidae |
Grasshoppers and Locusts | Orthoptera |
Green Vegetable Bug | Hemiptera | Pentatomidae |
Greenhouse or Black Thrips | Thysanoptera | Aleyrodidae |
Gumleaf Skeletoniser | Lepidoptera | Noctuidae |
Gumtree Hopper, Jassid | Hemiptera | Eurymelidae |
Gumtree Scale | Hemiptera |
Hawk Moth | Lepidoptera | Sphingidae |
Hibiscus Flower Beetle | Coleoptera | Nitidulidae |
Japanese Beetle | Coleoptera |
Jewel Beetles | Coleoptera | Buprestidae |
Kurrajong leaf-tier, Bag Moth | Lepidoptera | Pyralidae |
Lace Bug | Hemiptera | Tingidae |
Large Citrus Butterfly | Lepidoptera | Papilionidae |
Lawn Armyworm | Lepidoptera | Noctuidae |
Leaf Hopper (General) | Hemiptera | Eurytomidae |
Leaf-eating Ladybirds | Coleoptera | Coccinellidae |
Leafblister Sawflies | Hymenoptera | Pergidae |
Leafcutting Bee | Hymenoptera | Megachilidae |
Leafminer (General) |
Lesser Bulb Fly | Diptera |
Light Brown Apple Moth | Lepidoptera | Tortricidae |
Longicorns, Long Horn Beetles | Coleoptera | Cerambycidae |
Looper Caterpillars | Lepidoptera | Noctuidae |
Mealybugs | Hemiptera | Pseudococcidae |
Metallic Flea Beetle | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae |
Millipedes |
Mistletoe |
Mites (General) | Acarina | Aleyrodidae |
Mole Cricket | Orthoptera | Gryllotalpidae |
Nectar Scarabs | Coleoptera | Scarabaeidae |
No pest information |
Oak Leafminer | Lepidoptera | Gracillariidae |
Oleander Butterfly | Lepidoptera | Nymphalidae |
Orange Palm Dart | Lepidoptera | Hesperiidae |
Orchid Beetle, Dendrobium Beetle | Coleoptera |
Oriental Fruit Moth | Lepidoptera | Tortricidae |
Painted Apple Moth | Lepidoptera | Lymantriidae |
Pear and Cherry Slug | Hymenoptera | Tenthredinidae |
Pimple Psyllid | Hemiptera | Psyllidae |
Pink Wax Scale | Hemiptera | Coccidae |
Pittosporum Leafminer | Diptera | Agromyzidae |
Plague Thrips, Blossom Thrips | Thysanoptera |
Psyllid, Lerps (General) | Hemiptera | Psyllidae |
Pumpkin Beetle | Coleoptera | Chrysomelidae |
Queensland Fruit Fly | Diptera | Tephritidae |
Rabbits | test 1 |
Red Scale (California red scale) | Hemiptera | Diapididea |
Rose Scale | Hemiptera | Diaspididae |
San Jose Scale | Hemiptera | Diaspididae |
Sawfly (General) | Hymenoptera |
Scale Insect | Hemiptera |
Slugs and Snails |
Small Citrus Butterfly | Lepidoptera | Papilionidae |
Soft Brown Scale | Hemiptera | Coccidae |
Soldier Beetles | Coleoptera | Cantharidae |
Spined Citrus Bug | Hemiptera | Pentatomidae |
Spittle Bugs, Cuckoo Spit | Hemiptera |
Steelblue Sawfly | Hymenoptera | Pergidae |
Stick and Leaf Insects (General) | Phasmatodea |
Tea Scale | Hemiptera |
Termites (General) | Isoptera | Various |
Thrips (General) | Thysanoptera |
Tip Borer | Various |
Two-spotted Mite, Red Spider Mite | Acarina | Tetranychidae |
Vine Weevil, Black Vine Weevil | Coleoptera |
Wattle Blight | Coleoptera |
Wattle Leafminer | Lepidoptera | Gracillariidae |
Western Flower Thrips | Thysanoptera | Thripidae |
White Cedar Moth | Lepidoptera | Lymantriidae |
White Louse Scale | Hemiptera | Diaspididae |
White Palm Scale | Hemiptera | Diaspididae |
White Stemmed Gum Moth | Lepidoptera |
White Wax Scale | Hemiptera | Geometridae |
Whitefly, Snow flies | Hemiptera | Aleyrodidae |
Winter Bronzing | Hemiptera |
Woolly Aphid | Hemiptera | Aphididae |
-- ALL -- |
Acarina |
Coleoptera |
Dermaptera |
Diptera |
Hemiptera |
Hymenoptera |
Isopoda |
Isoptera |
Lepidoptera |
Orthoptera |
Phasmatodea |
Thysanoptera |
Various |
-- ALL -- |
Cervidae |
Agromyzidae |
Aleyrodidae |
Aphididae |
Buprestidae |
Cantharidae |
Cecidomyiidae |
Cerambycidae |
Chrysomelidae |
Cicadidae |
Coccidae |
Coccinellidae |
Curculionidae |
Diapididea |
Diaspididae |
Eurymelidae |
Eurytomidae |
Formicidae |
Geometridae |
Gracillariidae |
Gryllotalpidae |
Hesperiidae |
Homotmidae |
Limacodidae |
Lymantriidae |
Margarodidae |
Megachilidae |
Miridae |
Mycetophilidae |
Nitidulidae |
Noctuidae |
Nymphalidae |
Oecophoridae |
Papilionidae |
Pentatomidae |
Pergidae |
Phyllocnistidae |
Pieridae |
Porcellionidae |
Pseudococcidae |
Psychidae |
Psyllidae |
Pyralidae |
Saturniidae |
Scarabaeidae |
Sphingidae |
Tenthredinidae |
Tephritidae |
Tessaratomidae |
Tetranychidae |
Thripidae |
Tingidae |
Tortricidae |
Various |
test 1 |